Given the characteristics of the oil-based contamination, it is biodegradable under aerobic conditions. GreenSoil proposed an approach based on;
- A multiphase extraction (MFE) system for removing the floating layer
- A biosparging system,
- and an above-ground groundwater treatment system.
The system has a flexible design so filters can be changed from extraction to infiltration and vice versa as remediation progresses. The above-ground water treatment system adds nutrients and oxygen to the infiltrated water, creating optimal conditions in the soil for the natural degradation of oil products in the soil. 🌿
After a thorough evaluation of contamination distribution, a design of multiple MFE filters combined with biosparging filters was distributed over the remediation area. Installation of the filters was preceded by a combination of careful manual pre-drilling and the use of a suction truck to place the system filters. Here, PVC pipes were used as temporary casing. In this way, we were sure that all risks of incidents during the installation of the filters were eliminated.